Sunday, January 4, 2015

An Idea for Baptism

This Sunday (11 January 2015) is Baptism of the Lord B. This is a perfect Sunday to celebrate new baptisms and for all of us to remember our own baptism. If your congregation is celebrating baptisms on Sunday why not have cookies? For infants, perhaps cookies in the shape of infant baptismal clothing would be fun. A variety of cookie cutters are available - both dresses and rompers.

Cookie cutters available at (Inclusion here does not constitute an endorsement of the product or company. Images are provided for information only.)

And if you are feeling especially brave, why not let the children of the church decorate the cookies? Perhaps some "professional" ones could be made for the family of the one being baptized. Or maybe the better remembrance for the family would be to present them with the cookies decorated by the children of the church.
Decorated cookies are from Sweet Cookie Boutique at